Dialogue Programs

The El-Hindi Center for Dialogue uses its proven dialogue method – small groups of 8-15 people led by trained facilitators using a dialogue program guide –  in order to address difficult topics, such as racism or intergroup or community tensions. The three types of dialogue programs in which the El-Hindi Center specializes are:

Racial Equity Dialogue • Intergroup Dialogue • Community Issues Dialogue

The El-Hindi Center also offers racial equity and multicultural organizational development and technical assistance as part of our dialogue programming. Institutions and organizations often use racial equity or intergroup dialogues as a way to foster organizational development, through the separate action plans developed by dialogue circles.

Testimonial Quotes

“I used to think that race was linked to biology, but now I know that race was created by people.”

“Before the dialogue I assumed that racial stereotyping was a personal construct. During the dialogue, we explored this history of government programs that systematically set back minorities by limiting their net worth. It opened my eyes that stereotypes are just another part of institutional racism in American culture.”

“I learned about what it means to be an ally, and the facts and education to back up my beliefs and share with others.”