InterFaith Works distributes the agency’s E-Newsletter via email bi-monthly.

If you would like to receive the E-Newsletter, please contact us at

If your organization would like to submit items that align with InterFaith Works’ mission
for the Community Bulletin Board, please email them to

(Click below for the corresponding date issue.)

May 2024 Print Newsletter “Affirming Dignity”
May 3, 2024
April 1, 2024
March 4, 2024
February 2, 2024
January 2, 2024
December 15, 2023
December 1, 2023
November 16, 2023
November 1, 2023
October 17, 2023
September 20, 2023
September 8, 2023
August 23, 2023
August 4, 2023
July 18, 2023
July 3, 2023
June 22, 2023
June 9, 2023
May 23, 2023
May 5, 2023
April 17, 2023